In other animals, bared teeth are a warning gesture, a danger sign. 在其他动物中间,呲牙是警告的姿势,是一种危险的信号。
Pets begin to behave strange when they feel danger, trying to give their owners a sign or a hint that something terrible is going to happen. 宠物的行为开始古怪的时候就说明它们感觉到危险了,它们正试着给自己主人信号或者线索暗示有不好的事情即将发生。
It turned out that a soldier had not noticed the "Danger, Mines," sign and had accidentally stepped on a mine near the riverbank and was immediately blown to bits. 原来是一个士兵,没注意在河滩附近设的标有小心地雷的牌子,踩上一颗地雷,被炸身邙。
There is a danger in interpreting a simple increase in GM crop cultivation as a sign that countries are wholeheartedly in favour of the technology, or that acceptance and benefits are widespread. 有一种危险是把转基因作物种植的简单增长解释成这些国家全心全意地接受这种技术或者对转基因技术的接受及其收益广泛存在的迹象。
If there is any possibility of danger to persons, stop machine groups, disconnect them from the energy supply, and safeguard them against unintentional starting by means of safety padlock and warning sign before starting any work. 如果可能危及人员的安全,开始任何操作前,关掉机组,断开电源,防止通过安全挂锁和警告标志意外起动机组。
Chinese policymakers do not want the "made in China" label to be the visual equivalent of a danger sign. 中国决策者不希望“中国制造”标签看上去等同一个危险标识。